What do people want?

One, everyone like free stuff. We hear you and also believe this and is why it is free to join ElitePartner. There is also paid sections that allow additional services, and without ads.

Even paid sections are affordable. Why other site ask for high fees, our sites paid areas begin at just 4.99 per month. You are in total control, go month to month, pick up a package of months, or continue to use for free. It is truly that easy.

Two, more money. While we would love to pay you, that simply does not work as our partners do not provide their service to us for free. Sure wish they did. The next best this is to retain the money you earn. Our free and budget minded services allow you to do just that. We encourage our free users to also check out the advertisers links to see if their products could also benefit you. Plus, scoring free items can feel like hitting the jackpot.

Three, human connections. Must of us like a good genuine hug/embrace. A great hug can make you feel warn and connect to the person hugging you.

Four, trust. Most societies are built on trust. Yes all countries have laws, but for the most part they run on trust. Trust is so important and people may not always like the truth, but those that are truthful (not hurtful or spiteful with their feedback) gain huge respect from those around them. Trust, once broken is so hard to correct, if that is even possible. Trust and truth is most likely number one on the list, at least for me, But FREE STUFF, wow hard to not make that number one.

We encourage readers to go to ElitePartner.net/blog to find more information on this topic.

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