
What Makes a great Blog?

Most people can generally agree that a good blog is one that provides regular, relevant content. It can be informative, newsworthy, possibly entertaining, as long as it enriches readers’ lives. ElitePartners Blog page is a path to your next Elite Introduction could take place.

Why should you read this blog?

Usually blog’s by staff members could set the stage for what type of web site you’ve reached. In this case we are focused on reaching Elite Singles of all shapes, sizes, back grounds, or stereo types as long as they are Educated. Keeping in mind Educated means many things.

From thefreedictionary: Having anĀ education, especially one above the average. 2. a. Showing evidence of schooling, training, or experience. b. Having or exhibiting cultivation.

According to some at Harvard: The question of what defines an educated person is not necessarily easy to answer, but it’s important to try. However, the panelists at an Ask with Forum last week agreed that educators often don’t consider that question and, when they do, the answers aren’t what one might expect. Follow the link to keep reading.

We believe Educated can mean more than formal class room education. Is an apprentice educated? Could a farmer be educated in farming by reading, researching, doing, collaborating with other farmers, etc.?

Could an Electrician be considered educated in their field of expertise? What about plumbers, carpenters, artists, etc.? Many of these people may not have finished high school, but could educate those that are not proficient in those fields.

What does an Elite Partner mean to you?

  • Elite: person or persons that exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group. Or you are exclusive is some way.
  • Partner: a person or organization you are closely involved with in some way.

Elite + Partner could simply mean: you’re in an exclusive relationship with someone else.

For an exclusive partnership to work; Trust This is the most important and respected virtue one can practice in a relationship, and it definitely shares the foundation with love for a long, successful marriage. ElitePartners Blog page is a path to your next Elite Introduction.