Contact Us

How and why to contact us:

How to join:

– Contact Us to discuss you Educated Connection.
– Searching for an new partner?
– Need help making payments?
– Require additional services not listed?
* Meet up with someone to spend time with, someone you would like to get to know.
Someone profile makes you want to investigate them further, in an inquisitive way. Their personality tweaks your interest, that could be in the their writing style, choice of words. How open they appear, or not!

Are they close to me so that I may meet them? Or are they far away, as a result someone to just chat with?
Are you inquisitive about other cultures, a personal favorite. Both to learn about other cultures and why someone would be interested in other cultures.
Maybe you are rich, with little cash flow and just enjoy the free membership part of the site.
Head to, sign-up and begin a blog, let others know what you find interesting. advertisement

Other reasons to contact us, share you Elite story in a blog, note or with us on our contact us page. We love to hear success stories. This is truly why we provide the service, your success. In your story, try to capture how the other person intrigued you. What made them stand out. How your first and second virtual meeting went. Have you met in person? If so, where did you meet and what made you want to keep seeing them?

While a book length may be lengthy, so we like to hear your heart felt story in a couple of paragraphs.

If you have not yet found that someone, Contact Us to discuss you Educated Connection requirements.